How to Brew Great Coffee with the Clever Dripper
Today we are going to be talking about the Clever Dripper!
We’ve been using the Clever for years, and have found it to be a really nice alternative to a French Press or a pour over. Plus, it’s a really nice portable method for camping or even backpacking.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with this spectacular, easy-to-use brew method, the Clever is basically a hybrid between a pour over and a French Press. It achieves the sweetness of full immersion as well as the cleanliness of a pour over. How? Let’s have a look!
The Clever has a nifty design where a plunger at the bottom releases when you place it on top of a mug or decanter. This in turn lets the coffee strain out the bottom (through a filter of course). So you can let the coffee steep for a few minutes and then simply place it on your vessel of choice and away you shall sail into the land of tasty coffee.
Here’s a video we just made that shows this process a little better:
How to make amazing coffee with the Clever Dripper!
In case you missed it, here’s the recipe again:
1. Heat water to 205 degrees
2. Grind 30 grams of medium coffee
3. Pour roughly 90ml of hot water onto grounds and let bloom for 30 seconds.
4. Add remaining water to approximately 470ml and let sit for an additional 90 seconds (or 2 minutes total brew time).
5. Place on cup or decanter and let strain.
6. Enjoy!
And, if this looks like something you want to try out, here’s the Amazon link to it:
Hope you enjoyed this!
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