our story
Though Reverent Coffee Company was formed in early 2019, it existed as a dream in our minds when we purchased the Cool Bean Cafe in 2009. In the span of a decade, and many hours (or years) of researching, questioning, building, arguing/crying over, and celebrating we are finally ready to bring you our coffee company. We believe in it, and we hope you do, too.
So what does “reverent” mean, anyways? And why would we choose that name?
rev·er·ent: feeling or showing deep and solemn respect.
This is how we feel about the people who grow our coffee and the process involved in bringing the product from its point of origin to our doorstep—and from us to you. We believe in giving honor and respect to farmers, to the sacrifices they make in bringing us an outstanding cup of coffee. We believe in better than “fair” prices. We believe in respecting our planet.
Being small business owners for the past 11 years has shaped how we think about economics, especially its impact on small towns and the family unit. We’ve had good years and bad years (heck, we bought our coffee shop in the financial collapse of 2008-9); we’ve seen fires, disasters, closures to Yosemite National Park (i.e. no tourism in our town for weeks and months). But, God is good and we are still here! Thank you for shopping small (and for you locals, shopping local) as this enables us to spend time with our family in the area that we love. We appreciate you!
We sincerely hope you enjoy our coffee!
Casey and Alyssa Lucas
Owners of Reverent Coffee Company