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business partners welcome glad you are here

welcome! we are glad you found us

When we sold the cafe part of our business in 2020, it was a different transition from going to meeting people in our store to meeting people through our website and socials. One thing about us is that we’ve always loved connecting with people. When you make a product and create something, you love connecting with customers. It’s just always been a big part of our business and something we care so much about! One thing we have always believed in our business life is that there are certain people we are meant to meet and certain customers we are meant to connect with. We hope that’s you!

So, if you are new here, welcome. We hope you enjoy our blogs and we truly hope you enjoy our coffee. We love writing about all things related to coffee and we also share things about our parenting journey and family life as we are in that season of our life.

And, if you have any questions related to coffee or just want to say hi, feel free to email us. We’d love to hear from you.


Casey & Alyssa